Happy Sacred Sunday Divine Tribe!💛✨🕊️
As we are getting closer to the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, I wanted to discuss the importance of rest. With the Eclipse being in the astrological sign Aries, we may feel the need to push through, achieve more, and mirror the fiery energy of the sign, but we actually need to do the opposite.
Eclipse season is commonly known as a period of confusion, restless nights, vivid and wild dreams, and drained energy. This is a specific time to physically, mentally, and emotionally pause, reset, and reflect; but that’s not something we always allow ourselves or even know how to do.
Rest is something I believe our society has treated more as a reward than as a necessity, we’re constantly under the pressure to “grind”; to make more money, cross more things off our checklist, and then add more to-dos in their place. The world truly never stops running but that doesn’t mean we have to match its pace. This never-ending cycle can quickly become exhausting and draining, leading many people to emotional, mental, and physical burnout.
It might feel helpful for you to stay busy, maybe you have to work 2 or 3 jobs because bills need to be paid, or maybe you’re just pushing yourself under the guilt of being “lazy”. But understand that we’re only human and this is just not natural for us, it’s actually quite unhealthy. Our minds and bodies need the proper time to rest and recover, and that’s why I love the recent glorification of self-care because it truly is essential!
I’m proud of people quitting jobs who work them like robots and not human beings with real lives and needs; being self-sacrificial just to be overworked and underpaid is not okay and it should not be normalized. I won’t accept that just because another generation did, sorry not sorry🤷🏽♀️
So now that I’ve ranted🤣, let’s go over the importance of allowing yourself to take a break and the plethora of ways you can rest as often as your body requires.
Source: @howmental on instagram
The Importance of Rest
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.
be placed or supported so as to stay in a specified position.
Rest is vital for all aspects of our health; it’s a time to intentionally cater to our personal needs and nurture our minds and bodies. Without rest, you might feel an increased amount of stress, fatigue, mood swings, irritability, and much more. Sarah McLaughlin, MFT, licensed psychotherapist and certified yoga teacher in San Francisco noted in a review by PsychCentral, that “70 percent of visits to the doctor are due to stress-related health issues”, and that “rest is the only way to engage the part of our nervous system that allows for relaxation.”
I began emphasizing rest in my own life when I first started my self-love journey. After all, you don’t neglect the things and people you love, right?
“Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”
-Eleanor Brown
When we go through our lives prioritizing the work we have to do, the money we have to make, and the people we have to take care of, we often let the care we need to give ourselves sit on the back burner. I too am a victim of falling into this trap of constantly pushing myself past my boundaries just to get things done, be what everyone needs me to be, or simply feel “accomplished”. I now repeat to myself and others that if you don’t prioritize self-care and rest, you WILL experience burnout… and fast.
According to Psychology Today, burnout is an emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by extended and continuous periods of stress. It’s most often tied to problems at work, as well as other areas of life, such as parenting, caretaking, or romantic relationships.
“The cynicism, depression, and lethargy that are characteristic of burnout most often occur when a person is not in control of how a job is carried out, at work or at home, or is asked to complete tasks that conflict with their sense of self.
Equally pressing is working toward a goal that doesn't resonate, or when a person lacks support. If a person doesn’t tailor responsibilities to match a true calling, or at least take a break once in a while, they could face burnout—as well as the mountain of mental and physical health problems that often come along with it, including headaches, fatigue, heartburn, and other gastrointestinal symptoms, as well as increased potential for alcohol, drug, or food misuse.”
-Psychology Today
What Does Rest Look Like?
I like to promote a “go to” list of self-care activities that you can apply to your everyday life. That way you won’t have to rely on bigger and less accessible methods that you can only experience every so often.
My Experience
I’ve always been a very sleepy person…my mother was in labor with me for 3 days because I was asleep🤣 Growing up, I was often told I was lazy due to my sleepiness, a perception that stuck with me into adulthood. In hindsight, it was likely a sign of both physical and mental exhaustion, compounded by undiagnosed ADHD, which only would’ve increased my need for rest, especially for an active child like I was.
I began to ignore the signs of being overwhelmed and exhausted, fearing failure and disappointment. I struggled to set boundaries and eventually would experience burnout and hospitalization for depression and anxiety during college.
It took me until last year to truly prioritize my rest. And not by sleeping more, because no… sleep won’t fix everything. Within the routines I have now established, I like to rest by:
Using "Do Not Disturb" mode to carve out personal time and reduce immediate responses to notifications, limiting phone use to essential check-ins.
Journaling, coloring, praying, and meditating to process and release emotions, as well as express gratitude and foster positive energy.
Taking social media breaks to limit comparison and avoid negativity.
Prioritizing outdoor time to enhance my mood and uplift/recharge my energy.
Incorporating a 20-minute nap limit and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for at least 8 hours a night to optimize my energy and focus.
Balancing periods of physical activity and rest for proper growth and progress; recognizing your physical limits is important to limit strain on your body.
Establishing boundaries with people. As an empath, it’s easy for me to become overwhelmed and drained by the energies of others. Self-preservation is necessary to be able to continue showing up for others.
Avoiding people with negative energy to protect my mental well-being and reduce stress from toxic relationships.
How Much Rest Do I Really Need?
Did you see the rumors about Dakota Johnson sleeping for 14 hours? This was what once triggered my thoughts surrounding how rest can look different for everyone.
The amount of sleep you need depends on various factors. According to the Mayo Clinic, this is the recommended guideline per age group:
Other factors noted that determine the amount of sleep you need include:
Sleep quality: Quality is just as important as quantity; if you’re waking up throughout the night or not getting restful sleep, then you probably need more sleep to feel rested.
Previous sleep deprivation: Like the previous, the lack of sleep you’re getting means your need for sleep increases.
Pregnancy: Changes in hormonal levels and physical discomfort worsen the quality of sleep, leading pregnant women to need sleep more often.
Aging: Older adults tend to require the same amount of sleep as younger adults due to sleeping more lightly, taking longer to succumb to sleep, and awakening throughout the night more often.
Neurodivergence: Neurodivergent individuals may face various sleep issues including sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, insomnia, and narcolepsy. Research indicates a link between ADHD, Autism, and sleep disorders, often resulting in less restful sleep and an increased need for more rest than neurotypical individuals.
Sources: Mayo Clinic and Neurodivergent Insights
Rest is a fundamental building block for success, health, and happiness. It’s not to be treated as a reward for pushing yourself past your limits, but a requirement to successfully get things done and live a vitalized life.
Resist the constant grind mentality and embrace rest and self-care with open arms. Notice how quickly it will boost your well-being and confidence in all areas of life.
I hope everyone has an amazing and restful Sunday and an easy Eclipse tomorrow!💛✨🕊️